Shake Out 2020

PRACTICE                                                                                       October 2020

2020 Great Oregon ShakeOut — Join the almost 200,000 Oregonians who are practicing this year.

International ShakeOut Day is Thursday, October 15th. 

But, you can hold your ShakeOut drill when and where you want. You can choose another date or several dates, and include people in multiple locations (home, work, or school), perhaps through video conferencing. Sign up and check out the options:

Steve Eberlein of Tipping Point Resilience, who has survived a large earthquake and personally worked on long-term recovery, suggests memorizing and practicing “drop, cover, and hold on” as the first things to do when you feel shaking. Repeated practice, he explains, is a critical component because in an emergency we have a lapse of judgment and follow our primitive impulses. We are also easily influenced by others’ responses rather than thinking for ourselves. With repeated practice you will be more likely to default to what you have practiced to maximize your safety.


One of the best predictors of how you will do following an emergency event is how well connected you are with your neighbors. They are the most likely people who will be there to help.  This means lay the groundwork now.  Reach out to each other. 

Communicate. Learn who has special needs and who has special skills, tools.  Share your preparedness plans. This will grow your confidence–you will become an asset not a liability.

In an emergency, are you depending on NET?  NET is depending on you!

There are 8 active NET members and about 1500 residents.  We cannot do this without you.

This email to may reach 20% of Linnton residents. Please spread the word and encourage others to contact us so our reach will grow.

Help us help you.  We will write again in November.

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