Community groups mobilize to oppose Zenith Energy land use permit

By Nancy Hiser

Linnton Neighborhood Association’s opposition statement to Zenith Energy’s expansion, initially drafted and approved in 2018, was recently updated to oppose the City of Portland granting a Land Use Compatibility Statement (LUCS) to allow Zenith to continue to advance its operations.  Our statement, now cosigned by 48 other neighborhood associations, faith-based groups, and local organizations, was sent to the Mayor and City Council.  They are scheduled to act on this request at the end of August.  Zenith has threatened the city with a very costly lawsuit if their LUCS is not approved. 

Strong opposition to Zenith has been mounted by other groups, including Cedar Action, Columbia Riverkeeper, 350PDX, Oregon Sierra Club, Willamette Riverkeeper, Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility, Audubon Society of Portland, Portland Harbor Community Coalition, and more. 

You can take action and find information on how to contact City of Portland commissioners at:  If you only have time for one phone call, call Commissioner Dan Ryan — he oversees the Bureau of Development Services, which will make the decision regarding Zenith’s Land Use Compatibility Statement.

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