Wednesday, September 2, 2020 / 7:00 PM / Meeting held at Kingsley Park
7:00 Call to order
7:05 Introductions, review of the agenda, reading of the previous
minutes and treasurer’s report.
7:15 Presentations from any of the Candidates
7:20 Elections
7:35 Counting of ballots and announcement of new board members
7:45 Update on Linnton Mill Building
7;50 Discussion on Motion for LCC Gift of $1000
7:55 Discussion on Tank Farm reform letter of support
8:00 Discussion on Braided River letter of support
8:05 Motion to endorse Portland Parks and Recreation levy
8:10 Committee reports and Goal Review:
- Public Safety/Transportation Committee
- Land Use Committee
- Communication Committee
- Environmental Committee
- Nomination Committee
- Annual Picnic
- Legacy Projects Maintenance Committee
- History Committee
- NET update
- Kingsley Community Garden
8:25 Update on any new membership interest from Committees
8:35 Board Meeting, including ratification of membership vote(s)